The Best Alternative Medicine Apps for Android

What’s the first thing you do when you’re unwell? Since you’re here, you probably go for alternative medicine first. 

And we’re pretty sure we can help you with an app for that. In fact, we found a few apps so you can find the perfect one to suit you.


Let’s check out the best alternative medicine apps for Android!

Herbs Encyclopedia App

How to download and use it

You can download the app for free here. Herbs Encyclopedia is our first suggestion because it has a very detailed archive for herbs, but also for veggies and fruits

As anything, herbs, veggies, and fruits can cause some pretty serious side effects if you use them incorrectly, or decide to consume the wrong one. 


Herbs Encyclopedia seems to put an emphasis on the consumer’s safety, and this is why it’s starting to be used even in conventional medicine. 


It has an entire list with all the herbs, veggies, and fruits. Not only are they listed, but besides what you would expect, such as the name and a few words to describe it, it also offers detailed information about which parts can be used, its nutritional value, what else can it be used for, and a lot more. 

It is continuously updated with successful treatments you can use as home remedies. And, lastly, it also has an archive of famous medical cases along with a list with the herbs that can be used.


Alternative Medicine App

How to download and use it

You can download the Alternative Medicine App for Android from this link, and it is also free. It’s straightforward to use with some basic features like search, favorite and share button, FAQ, and how to store your home remedies. 

It has about 100 illnesses listed and home remedies for them, as well as dosage and how often you can use it.


Alternative Medicine App can treat you when you are ill, but also improve your health. It has many remedies for different illnesses, and it also helps you strengthen your immune system. One of the best features is that you can also upload your own home remedies

The app also explains why the remedies would work for each sickness. For every condition or ache you may have, you will find more than one remedy listed, and you can choose whichever suits you the best. 

Some of the remedies have an option to redirect you to more detailed articles or even ask for a professional’s opinion. 

Natural Remedies App

How to download and use it

Natural Remedies App can be found on Google Play for free. Natural Remedies app is very well structured and has the following options you can use: a database of fruits and herbs, to which they added essential oils, some of the most frequent illnesses and how to treat them, and some very delicious and nutritious recipes.


Natural Remedies goes all the way when it comes to health and well-being. It offers remedies for some aches and conditions and takes care of your skin, beauty, and diet. It has a lot of recipes for delicious and nutritious foods, your skin, and it offers natural cosmetics recipes.

You can also find short videos with tips and tricks for a large variety of subjects, such as how exactly we are supposed to make skincare cosmetics, which surely comes in handy for a lot of people. 

They take care of beauty as well, by adding moisturizer recipes and videos, even for your lips. The app is updated weekly with the latest news from scientists for both wellness and overall health.

Some of the subjects you can find on Natural Remedies include aloe vera, turmeric, essential oils, and vegan milk. They will convince you to chop at least one leaf of your aloe vera plant and use it to brighten your skin, or even strengthen your hair. 

You will definitely be switching to almond milk next time you have coffee. You won’t be able to decide on what sweeteners to use, but the way they talk about almond milk, you will probably choose to enjoy its flavor without adding anything extra.  



These three apps can easily solve a lot of the most common health and well-being problems you may encounter. 

They can also help you impress your partner with a healthy and nutritious breakfast. What’s your first step to a healthier lifestyle?